Automatic social media publishing

Publish assets automatically to your CMS, Youtube, and other social media platforms with only one click.

Optimize publishing workflows to avoid manual process steps

Web and social media platforms are critical channels for modern publishing houses and broadcasters. Publishing readily produced assets from a MAM or DAM system to those channels typically is a completely manual process. Users need to export assets to the required locations and copy/paste texts by hand. This process ist not only time consuming but also error prone.

Utilizing qibb, customers can easily build publishing workflows from any MAM system to CMS and Social Media directly. Thus a single click can be enough to trigger publication on multiple platforms. Automating this process through a qibb Flow furthermore has the advantage to link back social media performance to produced assets.

Publish media assets to multiple destinations

Automate publishing workflows to social media platforms

YouTube, WordPress and Contentful are example for qibb Nodes to commonly used publication channels for media companies. Through our Ayrshare Node we additionally unlock social media platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and TikTok for our customers. Our catalog of more generic connector Nodes furthermore enables quick integration of any custom-built CMS. By constantly updating our catalog, we further ensure to provide integrations to leading products as a Node to our customers.

Through these Nodes qibb Flows can automatically create objects, add media, and schedule publishing at the desired point in time. Schedule such workflows based on a change in a metadata field in your MAM like mimir, Vidispine, iconik, or Dalet. Or by button-click in one of these systems. Furthermore, the integration of these platforms enables collecting critical performace data and mapping it back into the MAM system. Regularly updating this data a few times per day will enable useful insights on asset performance – directly visible to users in the MAM system.

Applications integrated

About qibb

qibb is the leading media integration platform to create and maintain low-code media workflows. Fully agnostic and cloud-based, qibb comes with a growing Catalog of Nodes (connectors), dozens of pre-build Flows (templates), and a versatile feature toolkit that makes virtualized system integration a reality. It enables customers to build and maintain integrations more cost-effective, faster and vendor independent – making media workflow automation and integration easier than ever before.
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